Page 219 - oliver-twist
P. 219

‘that the women can’t be got over?’
              ‘Not a bit of it,’ replied Sikes.
              ‘Not by flash Toby Crackit?’ said the Jew incredulously.
           ‘Think what women are, Bill,’
              ‘No; not even by flash Toby Crackit,’ replied Sikes. ‘He
            says he’s worn sham whiskers, and a canary waistcoat, the
           whole blessed time he’s been loitering down there, and it’s
            all of no use.’
              ‘He should have tried mustachios and a pair of military
           trousers, my dear,’ said the Jew.
              ‘So he did,’ rejoined Sikes, ‘and they warn’t of no more
           use than the other plant.’
              The Jew looked blank at this information. After ruminat-
           ing for some minutes with his chin sunk on his breast, he
           raised his head and said, with a deep sigh, that if flash Toby
           Crackit reported aright, he feared the game was up.
              ‘And yet,’ said the old man, dropping his hands on his
            knees, ‘it’s a sad thing, my dear, to lose so much when we
           had set our hearts upon it.’
              ‘So it is,’ said Mr. Sikes. ‘Worse luck!’
              A long silence ensued; during which the Jew was plunged
           in deep thought, with his face wrinkled into an expression
            of villainy perfectly demoniacal. Sikes eyed him furtively
           from time to time. Nancy, apparently fearful of irritating
           the housebreaker, sat with her eyes fixed upon the fire, as if
            she had been deaf to all that passed.
              ‘Fagin,’  said  Sikes,  abruptly  breaking  the  stillness  that
           prevailed; ‘is it worth fifty shiners extra, if it’s safely done
           from the outside?’

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