Page 478 - oliver-twist
P. 478

‘You would serve me best, lady,’ replied the girl, wring-
       ing her hands, ‘if you could take my life at once; for I have
       felt more grief to think of what I am, to-night, than I ever
       did before, and it would be something not to die in the hell
       in which I have lived. God bless you, sweet lady, and send
       as much happiness on your head as I have brought shame
       on mine!’
         Thus speaking, and sobbing aloud, the unhappy creature
       turned away; while Rose Maylie, overpowered by this ex-
       traordinary interview, which had more the semblance of a
       rapid dream than an actual occurance, sank into a chair,
       and endeavoured to collect her wandering thoughts.
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