Page 557 - oliver-twist
P. 557

with you, I’d fall upon you with them in the open court, and
            beat your brains out afore the people. I should have such
            strength,’  muttered  the  robber,  poising  his  brawny  arm,
           ‘that I could smash your head as if a loaded waggon had
            gone over it.’
              ‘You would?’
              ‘Would I!’ said the housebreaker. ‘Try me.’
              ‘If it was Charley, or the Dodger, or Bet, or—‘
              ‘I don’t care who,’ replied Sikes impatiently. ‘Whoever it
           was, I’d serve them the same.’
              Fagin looked hard at the robber; and, motioning him to
            be silent, stooped over the bed upon the floor, and shook
           the sleeper to rouse him. Sikes leant forward in his chair:
            looking  on  with  his  hands  upon  his  knees,  as  if  wonder-
           ing much what all this questioning and preparation was to
            end in.
              ‘Bolter, Bolter! Poor lad!’ said Fagin, looking up with an
            expression  of  devilish  anticipation,  and  speaking  slowly
            and with marked emphasis. ‘He’s tired—tired with watch-
           ing for her so long,—watching for her, Bill.’
              ‘Wot d’ye mean?’ asked Sikes, drawing back.
              Fagin  made  no  answer,  but  bending  over  the  sleeper
            again, hauled him into a sitting posture. When his assumed
           name  had  been  repeated  several  times,  Noah  rubbed  his
            eyes, and, giving a heavy yawn, looked sleepily about him.
              ‘Tell me that again—once again, just for him to hear,’ said
           the Jew, pointing to Sikes as he spoke.
              ‘Tell yer what?’ asked the sleepy Noah, shaking himself

                                                   Oliver Twist
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