Page 62 - oliver-twist
P. 62

tion; so they threw a can of cold water over him; and when
       he came to, saw him safely out of the churchyard, locked the
       gate, and departed on their different ways.
         ‘Well,  Oliver,’  said  Sowerberry,  as  they  walked  home,
       ‘how do you like it?’
         ‘Pretty well, thank you, sir’ replied Oliver, with consider-
       able hesitation. ‘Not very much, sir.’
         ‘Ah, you’ll get used to it in time, Oliver,’ said Sowerberry.
       ‘Nothing when you ARE used to it, my boy.’
          Oliver wondered, in his own mind, whether it had taken
       a very long time to get Mr. Sowerberry used to it. But he
       thought it better not to ask the question; and walked back to
       the shop: thinking over all he had seen and heard.

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