P. 170

Wuthering Heights

                                  succession, and, while tears beaded her lashes, bent the
                                  strength of her small fingers to loosen the firm clutch of
                                  Catherine; and perceiving that as fast as she raised one
                                  finger off her arm another closed down, and she could not

                                  remove the whole together, she began to make use of her
                                  nails; and their sharpness presently ornamented the
                                  detainer’s with crescents of red.
                                     ’There’s a tigress!’ exclaimed Mrs. Linton, setting her
                                  free, and shaking her hand with pain. ‘Begone, for God’s
                                  sake, and hide your vixen face! How foolish to reveal
                                  those talons to him. Can’t you fancy the conclusions he’ll
                                  draw? Look, Heathcliff! they are instruments that will do
                                  execution - you must beware of your eyes.’
                                     ’I’d wrench them off her fingers, if they ever menaced
                                  me,’ he answered, brutally, when the door had closed after
                                  her. ‘But what did you mean by teasing the creature in
                                  that manner, Cathy? You were not speaking the truth,
                                  were you?’
                                     ’I assure you I was,’ she returned. ‘She has been dying
                                  for your sake several weeks, and raving about you this
                                  morning, and pouring forth a deluge of abuse, because I
                                  represented your failings in a plain light, for the purpose of
                                  mitigating her adoration. But don’t notice it further: I
                                  wished to punish her sauciness, that’s all. I like her too

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