Page 1248 - war-and-peace
P. 1248

asked me to come again, and I love her, and no one will ever
         know it.’ And his soul felt calm and peaceful.
            Pierre still went into society, drank as much and led the
         same idle and dissipated life, because besides the hours he
         spent at the Rostovs’ there were other hours he had to spend
         somehow, and the habits and acquaintances he had made
         in Moscow formed a current that bore him along irresist-
         ibly. But latterly, when more and more disquieting reports
         came from the seat of war and Natasha’s health began to
         improve and she no longer aroused in him the former feel-
         ing of careful pity, an ever-increasing restlessness, which he
         could not explain, took possession of him. He felt that the
         condition he was in could not continue long, that a catastro-
         phe was coming which would change his whole life, and he
         impatiently sought everywhere for signs of that approach-
         ing catastrophe. One of his brother Masons had revealed to
         Pierre the following prophecy concerning Napoleon, drawn
         from the Revelation of St. John.
            In chapter 13, verse 18, of the Apocalypse, it is said:
            Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count
         the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and
         his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
            And in the fifth verse of the same chapter:
            And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great
         things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to
         continue forty and two months.
            The French alphabet, written out with the same numer-
         ical  values  as  the  Hebrew,  in  which  the  first  nine  letters
         denote units and the others tens, will have the following

         1248                                  War and Peace
   1243   1244   1245   1246   1247   1248   1249   1250   1251   1252   1253