Page 1296 - war-and-peace
P. 1296
and, unpleasant as it was to her to do so, ventured to ask
him what her father was doing.
‘Always busy,’ replied Michael Ivanovich with a respect-
fully ironic smile which caused Princess Mary to turn pale.
‘He’s worrying very much about the new building. He has
been reading a little, but now’Michael Ivanovich went on,
lowering his voice‘now he’s at his desk, busy with his will, I
expect.’ (One of the prince’s favorite occupations of late had
been the preparation of some papers he meant to leave at his
death and which he called his ‘will.’)
‘And Alpatych is being sent to Smolensk?’ asked Prin-
cess Mary.
‘Oh, yes, he has been waiting to start for some time.’
1296 War and Peace