Page 1338 - war-and-peace
P. 1338

Chapter VIII

         Princess Mary was not in Moscow and out of danger as
         Prince Andrew supposed.
            After  the  return  of  Alpatych  from  Smolensk  the  old
         prince suddenly seemed to awake as from a dream. He or-
         dered the militiamen to be called up from the villages and
         armed, and wrote a letter to the commander in chief in-
         forming him that he had resolved to remain at Bald Hills
         to the last extremity and to defend it, leaving to the com-
         mander in chief’s discretion to take measures or not for the
         defense of Bald Hills, where one of Russia’s oldest gener-
         als would be captured or killed, and he announced to his
         household that he would remain at Bald Hills.
            But  while  himself  remaining,  he  gave  instructions  for
         the departure of the princess and Dessalles with the little
         prince  to  Bogucharovo  and  thence  to  Moscow.  Princess
         Mary, alarmed by her father’s feverish and sleepless activ-
         ity after his previous apathy, could not bring herself to leave
         him alone and for the first time in her life ventured to dis-
         obey him. She refused to go away and her father’s fury broke
         over her in a terrible storm. He repeated every injustice he
         had ever inflicted on her. Trying to convict her, he told her
         she had worn him out, had caused his quarrel with his son,
         had harbored nasty suspicions of him, making it the object
         of her life to poison his existence, and he drove her from

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