Page 1381 - war-and-peace
P. 1381
‘To be sure, we all have to die. I’m not against the com-
mune,’ said Dron.
‘That’s itnot against it! You’ve filled your belly...’
The two tall peasants had their say. As soon as Rostov,
followed by Ilyin, Lavrushka, and Alpatych, came up to the
crowd, Karp, thrusting his fingers into his belt and smiling
a little, walked to the front. Dron on the contrary retired to
the rear and the crowd drew closer together.
‘Who is your Elder here? Hey?’ shouted Rostov, coming
up to the crowd with quick steps.
‘The Elder? What do you want with him?...’ asked Karp.
But before the words were well out of his mouth, his cap
flew off and a fierce blow jerked his head to one side.
‘Caps off, traitors!’ shouted Rostov in a wrathful voice.
‘Where’s the Elder?’ he cried furiously.
‘The Elder.... He wants the Elder!... Dron Zakharych,
you!’ meek and flustered voices here and there were heard
calling and caps began to come off their heads.
‘We don’t riot, we’re following the orders,’ declared Karp,
and at that moment several voices began speaking togeth-
‘It’s as the old men have decidedthere’s too many of you
giving orders.’
‘Arguing? Mutiny!... Brigands! Traitors!’ cried Rostov
unmeaningly in a voice not his own, gripping Karp by the
collar. ‘Bind him, bind him!’ he shouted, though there was
no one to bind him but Lavrushka and Alpatych.
Lavrushka, however, ran up to Karp and seized him by
the arms from behind.