Page 1484 - war-and-peace
P. 1484

Chapter XXXI

         Having descended the hill the general after whom Pierre
         was galloping turned sharply to the left, and Pierre, losing
         sight  of  him,  galloped  in  among  some  ranks  of  infantry
         marching  ahead  of  him.  He  tried  to  pass  either  in  front
         of them or to the right or left, but there were soldiers ev-
         erywhere, all with expression and busy with some unseen
         but evidently important task. They all gazed with the same
         dissatisfied and inquiring expression at this stout man in
         a white hat, who for some unknown reason threatened to
         trample them under his horse’s hoofs.
            ‘Why ride into the middle of the battalion?’ one of them
         shouted at him.
            Another prodded his horse with the butt end of a mus-
         ket, and Pierre, bending over his saddlebow and hardly able
         to control his shying horse, galloped ahead of the soldiers
         where there was a free space.
            There was a bridge ahead of him, where other soldiers
         stood firing. Pierre rode up to them. Without being aware
         of it he had come to the bridge across the Kolocha between
         Gorki and Borodino, which the French (having occupied
         Borodino)  were  attacking  in  the  first  phase  of  the  battle.
         Pierre saw that there was a bridge in front of him and that
         soldiers were doing something on both sides of it and in
         the meadow, among the rows of new-mown hay which he

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