Page 412 - war-and-peace
P. 412
Chapter V
They all separated, but, except Anatole who fell asleep
as soon as he got into bed, all kept awake a long time that
‘Is he really to be my husband, this stranger who is so
kindyes, kind, that is the chief thing,’ thought Princess
Mary; and fear, which she had seldom experienced, came
upon her. She feared to look round, it seemed to her that
someone was there standing behind the screen in the dark
corner. And this someone was hethe deviland he was also
this man with the white forehead, black eyebrows, and red
She rang for her maid and asked her to sleep in her
Mademoiselle Bourienne walked up and down the con-
servatory for a long time that evening, vainly expecting
someone, now smiling at someone, now working herself up
to tears with the imaginary words of her pauvre mere re-
buking her for her fall.
The little princess grumbled to her maid that her bed was
badly made. She could not lie either on her face or on her
side. Every position was awkward and uncomfortable, and
her burden oppressed her now more than ever because Ana-
tole’s presence had vividly recalled to her the time when she
was not like that and when everything was light and gay.
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