Page 139 - for-the-term-of-his-natural-life
P. 139

served standing round the public-house doors, waiting for
           the expiration of the hours of public worship, in order to con-
           tinue their carousing. As for the condition of the prisoner
           population, that, indeed, is indescribable. Notwithstanding
           the severe punishment for sly grog-selling, it was carried
            on to a large extent. Men and women were found intoxi-
            cated together, and a bottle of brandy was considered to be
            cheaply bought at the price of twenty lashes. In the facto-
           ry—a prison for females—the vilest abuses were committed,
           while the infamies current, as matters of course, in chain
            gangs and penal settlements, were of too horrible a nature
           to be more than hinted at here. All that the vilest and most
            bestial of human creatures could invent and practise, was
           in this unhappy country invented and practised without re-
            straint and without shame.
              Seven  classes  of  criminals  were  established  in  1826,
           when the new barracks for prisoners at Hobart Town were
           finished.  The  first  class  were  allowed  to  sleep  out  of  bar-
           racks, and to work for themselves on Saturday; the second
           had  only  the  last-named  indulgence;  the  third  were  only
            allowed Saturday afternoon; the fourth and fifth were ‘re-
           fractory and disorderly characters—to work in irons;’ the
            sixth  were  ‘men  of  the  most  degraded  and  incorrigible
            character—to be worked in irons, and kept entirely sepa-
           rate from the other prisoners;’ while the seventh were the
           refuse of this refuse—the murderers, bandits, and villains,
           whom neither chain nor lash could tame. They were regard-
            ed as socially dead, and shipped to Hell’s Gates, or Maria
           Island. Hells Gates was the most dreaded of all these houses

           1                          For the Term of His Natural Life
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