Page 398 - for-the-term-of-his-natural-life
P. 398

unable to fly. His chest heaved convulsively, great drops of
       sweat beaded his white face, and from his eyes tears seemed
       about to break. For an instant his features worked convul-
       sively, as if he would fain invoke upon the girl, weeping on
       her  father’s  shoulder,  some  hideous  curse.  But  no  words
       came—only thrusting his hand into his breast, with a su-
       preme gesture of horror and aversion, he flung something
       from him. Then a profound sigh escaped him, and he held
       out his hands to be bound.
         There was something so pitiable about this silent grief
       that,  as  they  led  him  away,  the  little  group  instinctively
       averted their faces, lest they should seem to triumph over
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