Page 50 - the-metamorphosis
P. 50

with a dull voice; evidently she was pressing her face into
         her father’s chest: ‘Mother fainted, but she’s getting better
         now. Gregor has broken loose.’ ‘Yes, I have expected that,’
         said his father, ‘I always told you that, but you women don’t
         want to listen.’
            It  was  clear  to  Gregor  that  his  father  had  badly  mis-
         understood Grete’s short message and was assuming that
         Gregor had committed some violent crime or other. Thus,
         Gregor now had to find his father to calm him down, for he
         had neither the time nor the opportunity to clarify things
         for him. And so he rushed away to the door of his room and
         pushed himself against it, so that his father could see right
         away as he entered from the hall that Gregor fully intended
         to return at once to his room, that it was not necessary to
         drive him back, but that one only needed to open the door
         and he would disappear immediately.
            But his father was not in the mood to observe such nice-
         ties. ‘Ah,’ he yelled as soon as he entered, with a tone as if he
         were all at once angry and pleased. Gregor pulled his head
         back from the door and raised it in the direction of his fa-
         ther. He had not really pictured his father as he now stood
         there.  Of  course,  what  with  his  new  style  of  creeping  all
         around, he had in the past while neglected to pay attention
         to what was going on in the rest of the apartment, as he had
         done before, and really should have grasped the fact that
         he would encounter different conditions. Nevertheless, nev-
         ertheless, was that still his father? Was that the same man
         who had lain exhausted and buried in bed in earlier days
         when Gregor was setting out on a business trip, who had re-
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