Page 236 - ULYSSES
P. 236


                                     —First my riddle, Lenehan said. Are you ready?
                                     Mr O’Madden Burke, tall in copious grey of Donegal
                                  tweed, came in from the hallway. Stephen Dedalus,
                                  behind him, uncovered as he entered.

                                     —Entrez, mes enfants! Lenehan cried.
                                     —I escort a suppliant, Mr O’Madden Burke said
                                  melodiously. Youth led by Experience visits Notoriety.
                                     —How do you do? the editor said, holding out a hand.
                                  Come in. Your governor is just gone.

                                         ? ? ?

                                     Lenehan said to all:
                                     —Silence! What opera resembles a railwayline? Reflect,
                                  ponder, excogitate, reply.
                                     Stephen handed over the typed sheets, pointing to the
                                  title and signature.
                                     —Who? the editor asked.
                                     Bit torn off.
                                     —Mr Garrett Deasy, Stephen said.
                                     —That old pelters, the editor said. Who tore it? Was
                                  he short taken?
                                            On         swift      sail       flaming
                                         From         storm        and         south

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