Page 275 - ULYSSES
P. 275
What? Our envelopes. Hello, Jones, where are you going?
Can’t stop, Robinson, I am hastening to purchase the only
reliable inkeraser Kansell, sold by Hely’s Ltd, 85 Dame
street. Well out of that ruck I am. Devil of a job it was
collecting accounts of those convents. Tranquilla convent.
That was a nice nun there, really sweet face. Wimple
suited her small head. Sister? Sister? I am sure she was
crossed in love by her eyes. Very hard to bargain with that
sort of a woman. I disturbed her at her devotions that
morning. But glad to communicate with the outside
world. Our great day, she said. Feast of Our Lady of
Mount Carmel. Sweet name too: caramel. She knew I, I
think she knew by the way she. If she had married she
would have changed. I suppose they really were short of
money. Fried everything in the best butter all the same.
No lard for them. My heart’s broke eating dripping. They
like buttering themselves in and out. Molly tasting it, her
veil up. Sister? Pat Claffey, the pawnbroker’s daughter. It
was a nun they say invented barbed wire.
He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S
had plodded by. Rover cycleshop. Those races are on
today. How long ago is that? Year Phil Gilligan died. We
were in Lombard street west. Wait: was in Thom’s. Got
the job in Wisdom Hely’s year we married. Six years. Ten
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