Page 295 - ULYSSES
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                                  fascination: the name. All a bit touched. Mad Fanny and
                                  his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet
                                  harness. Bolt upright lik surgeon M’Ardle. Still David
                                  Sheehy beat him for south Meath. Apply for the Chiltern

                                  Hundreds and retire into public life. The patriot’s banquet.
                                  Eating orangepeels in the park. Simon Dedalus said when
                                  they put him in parliament that Parnell would come back
                                  from the grave and lead him out of the house of commons
                                  by the arm.
                                     —Of the twoheaded octopus, one of whose heads is
                                  the head upon which the ends of the world have forgotten
                                  to come while the other speaks with a Scotch accent. The
                                  tentacles ...
                                     They passed from behind Mr Bloom along the
                                  curbstone. Beard and bicycle. Young woman.
                                     And there he is too. Now that’s really a coincidence:
                                  second time. Coming events cast their shadows before.
                                  With the approval of the eminent poet, Mr Geo. Russell.
                                  That might be Lizzie Twigg with him. A. E.: what does
                                  that mean? Initials perhaps. Albert Edward, Arthur
                                  Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. What was he
                                  saying? The ends of the world with a Scotch accent.
                                  Tentacles: octopus. Something occult: symbolism.

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