P. 215
Little Women
I write a little word to tell you with how much
satisfaction I watch your efforts to control your temper.
You say nothing about your trials, failures, or successes,
and think, perhaps, that no one sees them but the Friend
whose help you daily ask, if I may trust the well-worn
cover of your guidebook. I, too, have seen them all, and
heartily believe in the sincerity of your resolution, since it
begins to bear fruit. Go on, dear, patiently and bravely,
and always believe that no one sympathizes more tenderly
with you than your loving...
‘That does me good! That’s worth millions of money
and pecks of praise. Oh, Marmee, I do try! I will keep on
trying, and not get tired, since I have you to help me.’
Laying her head on her arms, Jo wet her little romance
with a few happy tears. for she had thought that no one
saw and appreciated her efforts to be good, and this
assurance was doubly precious, doubly encouraging,
because unexpected and from the person whose
commendation she most valued. Feeling stronger than
ever to meet and subdue her Apollyon, she pinned the
note inside her frock, as a shield and a reminder, lest she
be taken unaware, and proceeded to open her other letter,
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