P. 246
Little Women
Ned was offended and turned to Sallie for consolation,
saying to her rather pettishly, ‘There isn’t a bit of flirt in
that girl, is there?’
‘Not a particle, but she’s a dear,’ returned Sallie,
defending her friend even while confessing her
‘She’s not a stricken deer anyway,’ said Ned, trying to
be witty, and succeeding as well as very young gentlemen
usually do.
On the lawn where it had gathered, the little party
separated with cordial good nights and good-bys, for the
Vaughns were going to Canada. As the four sisters went
home through the garden, Miss Kate looked after them,
saying, without the patronizing tone in her voice, ‘In spite
of their demonstrative manners, American girls are very
nice when one knows them.’
‘I quite agree with you,’ said Mr. Brooke.
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