P. 295
Little Women
In the cold gray dawn the sisters lit their lamp and read
their chapter with an earnestness never felt before. For
now the shadow of a real trouble had come, the little
books were full of help and comfort, and as they dressed,
they agreed to say goodbye cheerfully and hopefully, and
send their mother on her anxious journey unsaddened by
tears or complaints from them. Everything seemed very
strange when they went down, so dim and still outside, so
full of light and bustle within. Breakfast at that early hour
seemed odd, and even Hannah’s familiar face looked
unnatural as she flew about her kitchen with her nightcap
on. The big trunk stood ready in the hall, Mother’s cloak
and bonnet lay on the sofa, and Mother herself sat trying
to eat, but looking so pale and worn with sleeplessness and
anxiety that the girls found it very hard to keep their
resolution. Meg’s eyes kept filling in spite of herself, Jo
was obliged to hide her face in the kitchen roller more
than once, ant the little girls wore a grave, troubled
expression, as if sorrow was a new experience to them.
Nobody talked much, but as the time drew very near
and they sat waiting for the carriage, Mrs. March said to
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