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P. 105


                 RS. GOULD was too intelligently sympathetic not to
           ‘Mshare that feeling. It made life exciting, and she was
           too much of a woman not to like excitement. But it fright-
            ened her, too, a little; and when Don Jose Avellanos, rocking
           in the American chair, would go so far as to say, ‘Even, my
            dear Carlos, if you had failed; even if some untoward event
           were  yet  to  destroy  your  work—which  God  forbid!—you
           would  have  deserved  well  of  your  country,’  Mrs.  Gould
           would  look  up  from  the  tea-table  profoundly  at  her  un-
           moved husband stirring the spoon in the cup as though he
           had not heard a word.
              Not that Don Jose anticipated anything of the sort. He
            could not praise enough dear Carlos’s tact and courage. His
           English,  rock-like  quality  of  character  was  his  best  safe-
            guard, Don Jose affirmed; and, turning to Mrs. Gould, ‘As
           to you, Emilia, my soul’—he would address her with the
           familiarity of his age and old friendship—‘you are as true a
           patriot as though you had been born in our midst.’
              This might have been less or more than the truth. Mrs.
           Gould, accompanying her husband all over the province in
           the search for labour, had seen the land with a deeper glance
           than a trueborn Costaguanera could have done. In her trav-
            el-worn riding habit, her face powdered white like a plaster
            cast, with a further protection of a small silk mask during

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