Page 120 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 120

sword and in a shabby uniform with tarnished bullion ep-
       aulettes of a senior major. Most miners being Indians, with
       big wild eyes, addressed him as Taita (father), as these bare-
       footed  people  of  Costaguana  will  address  anybody  who
       wears shoes; but it was Basilio, Mr. Gould’s own mozo and
       the head servant of the Casa, who, in all good faith and
       from a sense of propriety, announced him once in the sol-
       emn words, ‘El Senor Gobernador has arrived.’
          Don  Jose  Avellanos,  then  in  the  drawing-room,  was
       delighted beyond measure at the aptness of the title, with
       which he greeted the old major banteringly as soon as the
       latter’s soldierly figure appeared in the doorway. Don Pepe
       only smiled in his long moustaches, as much as to say, ‘You
       might have found a worse name for an old soldier.’
         And  El  Senor  Gobernador  he  had  remained,  with  his
       small jokes upon his function and upon his domain, where
       he affirmed with humorous exaggeration to Mrs. Gould—
         ‘No two stones could come together anywhere without
       the Gobernador hearing the click, senora.’
         And he would tap his ear with the tip of his forefinger
       knowingly. Even when the number of the miners alone rose
       to over six hundred he seemed to know each of them indi-
       vidually, all the innumerable Joses, Manuels, Ignacios, from
       the  villages  primero—segundo—or  tercero  (there  were
       three mining villages) under his government. He could dis-
       tinguish them not only by their flat, joyless faces, which to
       Mrs. Gould looked all alike, as if run into the same ances-
       tral mould of suffering and patience, but apparently also
       by  the  infinitely  graduated  shades  of  reddish-brown,  of

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