Page 168 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
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could unsettle the public opinion in the capital was to be
       avoided. Don Jose bowed to these arguments and tried to
       dismiss from his mind the gold-laced portent in boots, and
       with a sabre, made meaningless now at last, he hoped, in the
       new order of things.
          Less than six months after the President-Dictator’s vis-
       it, Sulaco learned with stupefaction of the military revolt
       in the name of national honour. The Minister of War, in
       a barrack-square allocution to the officers of the artillery
       regiment he had been inspecting, had declared the national
       honour sold to foreigners. The Dictator, by his weak com-
       pliance with the demands of the European powers—for the
       settlement of long outstanding money claims—had showed
       himself  unfit  to  rule.  A  letter  from  Moraga  explained  af-
       terwards that the initiative, and even the very text, of the
       incendiary allocution came, in reality, from the other Mon-
       tero,  the  ex-guerillero,  the  Commandante  de  Plaza.  The
       energetic treatment of Dr. Monygham, sent for in haste ‘to
       the  mountain,’  who  came  galloping  three  leagues  in  the
       dark, saved Don Jose from a dangerous attack of jaundice.
         After getting over the shock, Don Jose refused to let him-
       self  be  prostrated.  Indeed,  better  news  succeeded  at  first.
       The revolt in the capital had been suppressed after a night
       of fighting in the streets. Unfortunately, both the Monteros
       had been able to make their escape south, to their native
       province  of  Entre-Montes.  The  hero  of  the  forest  march,
       the victor of Rio Seco, had been received with frenzied ac-
       clamations in Nicoya, the provincial capital. The troops in
       garrison there had gone to him in a body. The brothers were

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