Page 197 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 197

Spanish fathers was a serious object to the rest of Europe—
            as represented by the bold buccaneers. There is a curse of
           futility upon our character: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza,
            chivalry and materialism, high-sounding sentiments and a
            supine morality, violent efforts for an idea and a sullen ac-
            quiescence  in  every  form  of  corruption.  We  convulsed  a
            continent for our independence only to become the passive
           prey of a democratic parody, the helpless victims of scoun-
            drels and cut-throats, our institutions a mockery, our laws
            a farce—a Guzman Bento our master! And we have sunk so
            low that when a man like you has awakened our conscience,
            a stupid barbarian of a Montero—Great Heavens! a Mon-
           tero!—becomes a deadly danger, and an ignorant, boastful
           Indio, like Barrios, is our defender.’
              But  Don  Jose,  disregarding  the  general  indictment
            as though he had not heard a word of it, took up the de-
           fence of Barrios. The man was competent enough for his
            special task in the plan of campaign. It consisted in an of-
           fensive movement, with Cayta as base, upon the flank of the
           Revolutionist forces advancing from the south against Sta.
           Marta, which was covered by another army with the Presi-
            dent-Dictator in its midst. Don Jose became quite animated
           with a great flow of speech, bending forward anxiously un-
            der the steady eyes of his daughter. Decoud, as if silenced by
            so much ardour, did not make a sound. The bells of the city
           were striking the hour of Oracion when the carriage rolled
           under the old gateway facing the harbour like a shapeless
           monument of leaves and stones. The rumble of wheels un-
            der the sonorous arch was traversed by a strange, piercing

           1                         Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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