Page 217 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 217

What is a conviction? A particular view of our personal ad-
           vantage either practical or emotional. No one is a patriot
           for nothing. The word serves us well. But I am clear-sighted,
            and I shall not use that word to you, Antonia! I have no pa-
           triotic illusions. I have only the supreme illusion of a lover.’
              He paused, then muttered almost inaudibly, ‘That can
            lead one very far, though.’
              Behind  their  backs  the  political  tide  that  once  in  ev-
            ery twenty-four hours set with a strong flood through the
           Gould  drawing-room  could  be  heard,  rising  higher  in  a
           hum of voices. Men had been dropping in singly, or in twos
            and threes: the higher officials of the province, engineers
            of  the  railway,  sunburnt  and  in  tweeds,  with  the  frosted
           head of their chief smiling with slow, humorous indulgence
            amongst the young eager faces. Scarfe, the lover of fandan-
            gos, had already slipped out in search of some dance, no
           matter where, on the outskirts of the town. Don Juste Lopez,
            after taking his daughters home, had entered solemnly, in a
            black creased coat buttoned up under his spreading brown
            beard. The few members of the Provincial Assembly pres-
            ent clustered at once around their President to discuss the
           news of the war and the last proclamation of the rebel Mon-
           tero, the miserable Montero, calling in the name of ‘a justly
           incensed  democracy’  upon  all  the  Provincial  Assemblies
            of the Republic to suspend their sittings till his sword had
           made peace and the will of the people could be consulted. It
           was practically an invitation to dissolve: an unheard-of au-
            dacity of that evil madman.
              The indignation ran high in the knot of deputies behind

            1                        Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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