Page 258 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 258

for that, senor?’ Then it dawned upon me that perhaps this
       man’s vanity has been satiated by the adulation of the com-
       mon people and the confidence of his superiors!’
          Decoud paused to light a cigarette, then, with his head
       still  over  his  writing,  he  blew  a  cloud  of  smoke,  which
       seemed to rebound from the paper. He took up the pencil
         ‘That was yesterday evening on the Plaza, while he sat
       on the steps of the cathedral, his hands between his knees,
       holding the bridle of his famous silver-grey mare. He had
       led  his  body  of  Cargadores  splendidly  all  day  long.  He
       looked fatigued. I don’t know how I looked. Very dirty, I
       suppose. But I suppose I also looked pleased. From the time
       the fugitive President had been got off to the S. S. Minerva,
       the tide of success had turned against the mob. They had
       been driven off the harbour, and out of the better streets of
       the town, into their own maze of ruins and tolderias. You
       must understand that this riot, whose primary object was
       undoubtedly the getting hold of the San Tome silver stored
       in the lower rooms of the Custom House (besides the gen-
       eral looting of the Ricos), had acquired a political colouring
       from the fact of two Deputies to the Provincial Assembly,
       Senores Gamacho and Fuentes, both from Bolson, putting
       themselves at the head of it—late in the afternoon, it is true,
       when the mob, disappointed in their hopes of loot, made
       a stand in the narrow streets to the cries of ‘Viva la Liber-
       tad! Down with Feudalism!’ (I wonder what they imagine
       feudalism to be?) ‘Down with the Goths and Paralytics.’ I
       suppose the Senores Gamacho and Fuentes knew what they
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