Page 363 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 363

vice imagined that the last three days had exhausted every
            startling surprise the political life of Costaguana could of-
           fer.  He  used  to  confess  afterwards  that  the  events  which
           followed surpassed his imagination. To begin with, Sulaco
           (because of the seizure of the cables and the disorganization
            of the steam service) remained for a whole fortnight cut off
           from the rest of the world like a besieged city.
              ‘One would not have believed it possible; but so it was, sir.
           A full fortnight.’
              The account of the extraordinary things that happened
            during  that  time,  and  the  powerful  emotions  he  experi-
            enced, acquired a comic impressiveness from the pompous
           manner of his personal narrative. He opened it always by
            assuring his hearer that he was ‘in the thick of things from
           first to last.’ Then he would begin by describing the getting
            away of the silver, and his natural anxiety lest ‘his fellow’
           in charge of the lighter should make some mistake. Apart
           from the loss of so much precious metal, the life of Senor
           Martin Decoud, an agreeable, wealthy, and well-informed
           young  gentleman,  would  have  been  jeopardized  through
           his falling into the hands of his political enemies. Captain
           Mitchell also admitted that in his solitary vigil on the wharf
           he had felt a certain measure of concern for the future of the
           whole country.
              ‘A feeling, sir,’ he explained, ‘perfectly comprehensible in
            a man properly grateful for the many kindnesses received
           from the best families of merchants and other native gentle-
           men of independent means, who, barely saved by us from the
            excesses of the mob, seemed, to my mind’s eye, destined to

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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