Page 370 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 370

ing half a hundred-weight of sand. Sheets of grey coarse
       official paper bestrewed the floor. It must have been a room
       occupied by some higher official of the Customs, because a
       large leathern armchair stood behind the table, with other
       high-backed chairs scattered about. A net hammock was
       swung  under  one  of  the  beams—for  the  official’s  after-
       noon siesta, no doubt. A couple of candles stuck into tall
       iron  candlesticks  gave  a  dim  reddish  light.  The  colonel’s
       hat, sword, and revolver lay between them, and a couple of
       his more trusty officers lounged gloomily against the table.
       The colonel threw himself into the armchair, and a big ne-
       gro with a sergeant’s stripes on his ragged sleeve, kneeling
       down, pulled off his boots. Sotillo’s ebony moustache con-
       trasted violently with the livid colouring of his cheeks. His
       eyes were sombre and as if sunk very far into his head. He
       seemed exhausted by his perplexities, languid with disap-
       pointment; but when the sentry on the landing thrust his
       head in to announce the arrival of a prisoner, he revived
       at once.
         ‘Let him be brought in,’ he shouted, fiercely.
         The door flew open, and Captain Mitchell, bareheaded,
       his waistcoat open, the bow of his tie under his ear, was
       hustled into the room.
          Sotillo recognized him at once. He could not have hoped
       for a more precious capture; here was a man who could tell
       him, if he chose, everything he wished to know—and di-
       rectly the problem of how best to make him talk to the point
       presented itself to his mind. The resentment of a foreign
       nation had no terrors for Sotillo. The might of the whole
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