Page 40 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 40

while  the  negro  brakesmen  sat  carelessly  on  the  brakes,
       looking  straight  forward,  with  the  rims  of  their  big  hats
       flapping in the wind. In return Giorgio would give a slight
       sideways jerk of the head, without unfolding his arms.
          On  this  memorable  day  of  the  riot  his  arms  were  not
       folded on his chest. His hand grasped the barrel of the gun
       grounded on the threshold; he did not look up once at the
       white dome of Higuerota, whose cool purity seemed to hold
       itself aloof from a hot earth. His eyes examined the plain
       curiously. Tall trails of dust subsided here and there. In a
       speckless sky the sun hung clear and blinding. Knots of men
       ran headlong; others made a stand; and the irregular rattle
       of firearms came rippling to his ears in the fiery, still air.
       Single figures on foot raced desperately. Horsemen galloped
       towards each other, wheeled round together, separated at
       speed. Giorgio saw one fall, rider and horse disappearing
       as if they had galloped into a chasm, and the movements of
       the animated scene were like the passages of a violent game
       played upon the plain by dwarfs mounted and on foot, yell-
       ing with tiny throats, under the mountain that seemed a
       colossal embodiment of silence. Never before had Giorgio
       seen this bit of plain so full of active life; his gaze could not
       take in all its details at once; he shaded his eyes with his
       hand, till suddenly the thundering of many hoofs near by
       startled him.
         A troop of horses had broken out of the fenced paddock
       of the Railway Company. They came on like a whirlwind,
       and dashed over the line snorting, kicking, squealing in a
       compact, piebald, tossing mob of bay, brown, grey backs,
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