Page 414 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 414

senora had given into her charge the girls belonging to that
       Italian  posadero.  She,  Leonarda,  had  put  them  to  bed  in
       her own room. The fair girl had cried herself to sleep, but
       the dark one—the bigger—had not closed her eyes yet. She
       sat up in bed clutching the sheets right up under her chin
       and staring before her like a little witch. Leonarda did not
       approve of the Viola children being admitted to the house.
       She made this feeling clear by the indifferent tone in which
       she inquired whether their mother was dead yet. As to the
       senora, she must be asleep. Ever since she had gone into her
       room after seeing the departure of Dona Antonia with her
       dying father, there had been no sound behind her door.
         The doctor, rousing himself out of profound reflection,
       told her abruptly to call her mistress at once. He hobbled off
       to wait for Mrs. Gould in the sala. He was very tired, but too
       excited to sit down. In this great drawing-room, now empty,
       in which his withered soul had been refreshed after many
       arid years and his outcast spirit had accepted silently the
       toleration  of  many  side-glances,  he  wandered  haphazard
       amongst the chairs and tables till Mrs. Gould, enveloped in
       a morning wrapper, came in rapidly.
         ‘You know that I never approved of the silver being sent
       away,’ the doctor began at once, as a preliminary to the nar-
       rative of his night’s adventures in association with Captain
       Mitchell, the engineer-in-chief, and old Viola, at Sotillo’s
       headquarters. To the doctor, with his special conception of
       this political crisis, the removal of the silver had seemed
       an irrational and ill-omened measure. It was as if a general
       were sending the best part of his troops away on the eve of

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