Page 483 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 483

established  reputation.  Trumpeted  by  Captain  Mitchell,
            grown in repetition, and fixed in general assent, Nostromo’s
           faithfulness had never been questioned by Dr. Monygham
            as a fact. It was not likely to be questioned now he stood in
            desperate need of it himself. Dr. Monygham was human; he
            accepted the popular conception of the Capataz’s incorrupt-
           ibility simply because no word or fact had ever contradicted
            a mere affirmation. It seemed to be a part of the man, like
           his whiskers or his teeth. It was impossible to conceive him
            otherwise. The question was whether he would consent to
            go  on  such  a  dangerous  and  desperate  errand.  The  doc-
           tor was observant enough to have become aware from the
           first of something peculiar in the man’s temper. He was no
            doubt sore about the loss of the silver.
              ‘It  will  be  necessary  to  take  him  into  my  fullest  confi-
            dence,’ he said to himself, with a certain acuteness of insight
           into the nature he had to deal with.
              On Nostromo’s side the silence had been full of black ir-
           resolution, anger, and mistrust. He was the first to break it,
              ‘The swimming was no great matter,’ he said. ‘It is what
           went before—and what comes after that—‘
              He did not quite finish what he meant to say, breaking
            off short, as though his thought had butted against a solid
            obstacle. The doctor’s mind pursued its own schemes with
           Machiavellian  subtlety.  He  said  as  sympathetically  as  he
           was able—
              ‘It is unfortunate, Capataz. But no one would think of
            blaming you. Very unfortunate. To begin with, the treasure

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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