Page 541 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 541

Captain Mitchell stopped for a while.
              ‘Begad,  sir!  I  could  spin  you  a  yarn  for  hours.  But  it’s
           time we started off to Rincon. It would not do for you to
           pass through Sulaco and not see the lights of the San Tome
           mine, a whole mountain ablaze like a lighted palace above
           the dark Campo. It’s a fashionable drive…. But let me tell
           you one little anecdote, sir; just to show you. A fortnight or
           more later, when Barrios, declared Generalissimo, was gone
           in pursuit of Pedrito away south, when the Provisional Junta,
           with Don Juste Lopez at its head, had promulgated the new
           Constitution, and our Don Carlos Gould was packing up
           his trunks bound on a mission to San Francisco and Wash-
           ington (the United States, sir, were the first great power to
           recognize the Occidental Republic)—a fortnight later, I say,
           when we were beginning to feel that our heads were safe
            on our shoulders, if I may express myself so, a prominent
           man, a large shipper by our line, came to see me on busi-
           ness, and, says he, the first thing: ‘I say, Captain Mitchell, is
           that fellow’ (meaning Nostromo) ‘still the Capataz of your
           Cargadores or not?’ ‘What’s the matter?’ says I. ‘Because, if
           he is, then I don’t mind; I send and receive a good lot of
            cargo by your ships; but I have observed him several days
            loafing about the wharf, and just now he stopped me as cool
            as you please, with a request for a cigar. Now, you know, my
            cigars are rather special, and I can’t get them so easily as all
           that.’ ‘I hope you stretched a point,’ I said, very gently. ‘Why,
           yes.  But  it’s  a  confounded  nuisance.  The  fellow’s  everlast-
           ingly cadging for smokes.’ Sir, I turned my eyes away, and
           then asked, ‘Weren’t you one of the prisoners in the Cabil-

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