Page 70 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 70

with many arguments and entreaties, but without success.
       He knew nothing of mining; he had no means to put his
       concession on the European market; the mine as a working
       concern did not exist. The buildings had been burnt down,
       the mining plant had been destroyed, the mining popula-
       tion had disappeared from the neighbourhood years and
       years ago; the very road had vanished under a flood of trop-
       ical vegetation as effectually as if swallowed by the sea; and
       the main gallery had fallen in within a hundred yards from
       the entrance. It was no longer an abandoned mine; it was
       a wild, inaccessible, and rocky gorge of the Sierra, where
       vestiges of charred timber, some heaps of smashed bricks,
       and a few shapeless pieces of rusty iron could have been
       found under the matted mass of thorny creepers covering
       the ground. Mr. Gould, senior, did not desire the perpetual
       possession of that desolate locality; in fact, the mere vision
       of it arising before his mind in the still watches of the night
       had the power to exasperate him into hours of hot and agi-
       tated insomnia.
          It so happened, however, that the Finance Minister of
       the time was a man to whom, in years gone by, Mr. Gould
       had, unfortunately, declined to grant some small pecuniary
       assistance, basing his refusal on the ground that the appli-
       cant was a notorious gambler and cheat, besides being more
       than half suspected of a robbery with violence on a wealthy
       ranchero in a remote country district, where he was actual-
       ly exercising the function of a judge. Now, after reaching his
       exalted position, that politician had proclaimed his inten-
       tion to repay evil with good to Senor Gould—the poor man.
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