Page 22 - Natural Remedies For Eczema
P. 22
Everything can be reduced to FRUITS, OIL, VEGETABLES,
moderation, too much honey can lead to heavy stomach
issues and weight gain, 2 – 3 tablespoons a day is the
recommended dose).
Your preferred infusions will be the matching complement
for this diet, also always with honey and without any
artificial flavors added. It is a fact that infusions are an
effective aid in the digestive process.
Well, this is it for the guidelines, but for a deeper
understanding, I will give some light notes. Follow this: - We
are not allowed to take any pastries or anything that contains
flour of any kind.
- We are not allowed to take anything that is not on the
previous list, or that contains any sauces, from which we
do not know the origin.
- We are not allowed to take any pre-cooked food.
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