Page 1023 - vanity-fair
P. 1023

difference  between  the  boys’  ages,  and  no  more  likeness
         between them than between my respected reader and his
         humble servant. Wenham, when he was going abroad, on
         his way to Kissingen to join Lord Steyne, enlightened Mrs.
         Alderney on this point and told her how he was much more
         able to describe little Rawdon than his mamma, who noto-
         riously hated him and never saw him; how he was thirteen
         years old, while little Alderney was but nine, fair, while the
         other darling was dark—in a word, caused the lady in ques-
         tion to repent of her good humour.
            Whenever Becky made a little circle for herself with in-
         credible toils and labour, somebody came and swept it down
         rudely, and she had all her work to begin over again. It was
         very hard; very hard; lonely and disheartening.
            There was Mrs. Newbright, who took her up for some
         time, attracted by the sweetness of her singing at church
         and  by  her  proper  views  upon  serious  subjects,  concern-
         ing which in former days, at Queen’s Crawley, Mrs. Becky
         had had a good deal of instruction. Well, she not only took
         tracts, but she read them. She worked flannel petticoats for
         the Quashyboos—cotton night-caps for the Cocoanut In-
         dians—painted handscreens for the conversion of the Pope
         and  the  Jews—sat  under  Mr.  Rowls  on  Wednesdays,  Mr.
         Huggleton on Thursdays, attended two Sunday services at
         church, besides Mr. Bawler, the Darbyite, in the evening,
         and all in vain. Mrs. Newbright had occasion to correspond
         with the Countess of Southdown about the Warmingpan
         Fund for the Fiji Islanders (for the management of which
         admirable charity both these ladies formed part of a female

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