Page 1038 - vanity-fair
P. 1038

and statesmen,’ &c., &c.
            His will was a good deal disputed, and an attempt was
         made to force from Madame de Belladonna the celebrated
         jewel called the ‘Jew’seye’ diamond, which his lordship al-
         ways wore on his forefinger, and which it was said that she
         removed from it after his lamented demise. But his confi-
         dential friend and attendant, Monsieur Fiche proved that
         the ring had been presented to the said Madame de Bel-
         ladonna two days before the Marquis’s death, as were the
         banknotes,  jewels,  Neapolitan  and  French  bonds,  &c.,
         found in his lordship’s secretaire and claimed by his heirs
         from that injured woman.

         1038                                     Vanity Fair
   1033   1034   1035   1036   1037   1038   1039   1040   1041   1042   1043