Page 1097 - vanity-fair
P. 1097
occupies him, and much alarmed about his little daughter,
whom he idolizes, and who was just recovering from the
chicken-pox) and went to Brussels and found Jos living at
one of the enormous hotels in that city. Mrs. Crawley, who
had her carriage, gave entertainments, and lived in a very
genteel manner, occupied another suite of apartments in
the same hotel.
The Colonel, of course, did not desire to see that lady, or
even think proper to notify his arrival at Brussels, except
privately to Jos by a message through his valet. Jos begged
the Colonel to come and see him that night, when Mrs.
Crawley would be at a soiree, and when they could meet
alone. He found his brother-in-law in a condition of piti-
able infirmity—and dreadfully afraid of Rebecca, though
eager in his praises of her. She tended him through a series
of unheard-of illnesses with a fidelity most admirable. She
had been a daughter to him. ‘But—but—oh, for God’s sake,
do come and live near me, and—and—see me sometimes,’
whimpered out the unfortunate man.
The Colonel’s brow darkened at this. ‘We can’t, Jos,’ he
said. ‘Considering the circumstances, Amelia can’t visit
‘I swear to you—I swear to you on the Bible,’ gasped out
Joseph, wanting to kiss the book, ‘that she is as innocent as
a child, as spotless as your own wife.’
‘It may be so,’ said the Colonel gloomily, ‘but Emmy can’t
come to you. Be a man, Jos: break off this disreputable con-
nection. Come home to your family. We hear your affairs
are involved.’