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Chapter XXIV

         In Which Mr. Osborne Takes

         Down the Family Bible

         So  having  prepared  the  sisters,  Dobbin  hastened  away
         to the City to perform the rest and more difficult part of
         the task which he had undertaken. The idea of facing old
         Osborne rendered him not a little nervous, and more than
         once he thought of leaving the young ladies to communi-
         cate the secret, which, as he was aware, they could not long
         retain. But he had promised to report to George upon the
         manner in which the elder Osborne bore the intelligence;
         so  going  into  the  City  to  the  paternal  counting-house  in
         Thames Street, he despatched thence a note to Mr. Osborne
         begging for a half-hour’s conversation relative to the affairs
         of his son George. Dobbin’s messenger returned from Mr.
         Osborne’s house of business, with the compliments of the
         latter, who would be very happy to see the Captain immedi-
         ately, and away accordingly Dobbin went to confront him.
            The  Captain,  with  a  half-guilty  secret  to  confess,  and
         with  the  prospect  of  a  painful  and  stormy  interview  be-
         fore him, entered Mr. Osborne’s offices with a most dismal

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