Page 367 - vanity-fair
P. 367

Thus the repast, which at length came off, instead of being
         dismal, was an exceedingly brisk and merry one. The excite-
         ment of the campaign counteracted in George’s mind the
         depression occasioned by the disinheriting letter. Dobbin
         still kept up his character of rattle. He amused the company
         with accounts of the army in Belgium; where nothing but
         fetes and gaiety and fashion were going on. Then, having a
         particular end in view, this dexterous captain proceeded to
         describe Mrs. Major O’Dowd packing her own and her Ma-
         jor’s wardrobe, and how his best epaulets had been stowed
         into a tea canister, whilst her own famous yellow turban,
         with  the  bird  of  paradise  wrapped  in  brown  paper,  was
         locked up in the Major’s tin cocked-hat case, and wondered
         what effect it would have at the French king’s court at Gh-
         ent, or the great military balls at Brussels.
            ‘Ghent! Brussels!’ cried out Amelia with a sudden shock
         and start. ‘Is the regiment ordered away, George—is it or-
         dered away?’ A look of terror came over the sweet smiling
         face, and she clung to George as by an instinct.
            ‘Don’t be afraid, dear,’ he said good-naturedly; ‘it is but
         a twelve hours’ passage. It won’t hurt you. You shall go, too,
            ‘I intend to go,’ said Becky. ‘I’m on the staff. General Tuf-
         to is a great flirt of mine. Isn’t he, Rawdon?’ Rawdon laughed
         out with his usual roar. William Dobbin flushed up quite
         red. ‘She can’t go,’ he said; ‘think of the—of the danger,’ he
         was going to add; but had not all his conversation during
         dinner-time tended to prove there was none? He became
         very confused and silent.

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