Page 377 - vanity-fair
P. 377

such a tender leave of Amelia as became two women who
         loved each other as sisters; and having used her handker-
         chief plentifully, and hung on her friend’s neck as if they
         were parting for ever, and waved the handkerchief (which
         was quite dry, by the way) out of window, as the carriage
         drove  off,  she  came  back  to  the  breakfast  table,  and  ate
         some prawns with a good deal of appetite, considering her
         emotion; and while she was munching these delicacies, ex-
         plained to Rawdon what had occurred in her morning walk
         between herself and Briggs. Her hopes were very high: she
         made her husband share them. She generally succeeded in
         making her husband share all her opinions, whether melan-
         choly or cheerful.
            ‘You  will  now,  if  you  please,  my  dear,  sit  down  at  the
         writing-table and pen me a pretty little letter to Miss Craw-
         ley, in which you’ll say that you are a good boy, and that sort
         of thing.’ So Rawdon sate down, and wrote off, ‘Brighton,
         Thursday,’ and ‘My dear Aunt,’ with great rapidity: but there
         the gallant officer’s imagination failed him. He mumbled the
         end of his pen, and looked up in his wife’s face. She could
         not help laughing at his rueful countenance, and marching
         up and down the room with her hands behind her, the little
         woman began to dictate a letter, which he took down.
            ‘Before  quitting  the  country  and  commencing  a  cam-
         paign, which very possibly may be fatal.’
            ‘What?’ said Rawdon, rather surprised, but took the hu-
         mour  of  the  phrase,  and  presently  wrote  it  down  with  a
            ‘Which very possibly may be fatal, I have come hither—‘

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