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of seeing them as she skirted that suburb on her road to old
         Mrs. Sedley’s house at Fulham, whither she went to look for
         her dear Amelia and her Brighton friends. They were all off
         to Chatham, thence to Harwich, to take shipping for Bel-
         gium with the regiment—kind old Mrs. Sedley very much
         depressed and tearful, solitary. Returning from this visit,
         Rebecca found her husband, who had been off to Gray’s Inn,
         and learnt his fate. He came back furious.
            ‘By  Jove,  Becky,’  says  he,  ‘she’s  only  given  me  twenty
            Though it told against themselves, the joke was too good,
         and Becky burst out laughing at Rawdon’s discomfiture.

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