Page 422 - vanity-fair
P. 422

Chapter XXIX


         Mr. Jos had hired a pair of horses for his open carriage,
         with which cattle, and the smart London vehicle, he made
         a very tolerable figure in the drives about Brussels. George
         purchased a horse for his private riding, and he and Captain
         Dobbin would often accompany the carriage in which Jos
         and his sister took daily excursions of pleasure. They went
         out  that  day  in  the  park  for  their  accustomed  diversion,
         and there, sure enough, George’s remark with regard to the
         arrival of Rawdon Crawley and his wife proved to be cor-
         rect. In the midst of a little troop of horsemen, consisting of
         some of the very greatest persons in Brussels, Rebecca was
         seen in the prettiest and tightest of riding-habits, mounted
         on a beautiful little Arab, which she rode to perfection (hav-
         ing acquired the art at Queen’s Crawley, where the Baronet,
         Mr. Pitt, and Rawdon himself had given her many lessons),
         and by the side of the gallant General Tufto.
            ‘Sure it’s the Juke himself,’ cried Mrs. Major O’Dowd to
         Jos, who began to blush violently; ‘and that’s Lord Uxbridge
         on the bay. How elegant he looks! Me brother, Molloy Ma-
         lony, is as like him as two pays.’

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