Page 479 - vanity-fair
P. 479

command of his Sovereign apparent, the Prince of Orange,
         and as respected length of swords and mustachios, and the
         richness of uniform and equipments, Regulus and his com-
         rades looked to be as gallant a body of men as ever trumpet
         sounded for.
            When Ney dashed upon the advance of the allied troops,
         carrying one position after the other, until the arrival of the
         great body of the British army from Brussels changed the
         aspect of the combat of Quatre Bras, the squadrons among
         which Regulus rode showed the greatest activity in retreat-
         ing before the French, and were dislodged from one post
         and another which they occupied with perfect alacrity on
         their part. Their movements were only checked by the ad-
         vance of the British in their rear. Thus forced to halt, the
         enemy’s cavalry (whose bloodthirsty obstinacy cannot be
         too  severely  reprehended)  had  at  length  an  opportunity
         of coming to close quarters with the brave Belgians before
         them; who preferred to encounter the British rather than
         the French, and at once turning tail rode through the Eng-
         lish regiments that were behind them, and scattered in all
         directions. The regiment in fact did not exist any more. It
         was nowhere. It had no head-quarters. Regulus found him-
         self galloping many miles from the field of action, entirely
         alone; and whither should he fly for refuge so naturally as to
         that kitchen and those faithful arms in which Pauline had
         so often welcomed him?
            At some ten o’clock the clinking of a sabre might have
         been heard up the stair of the house where the Osbornes
         occupied a story in the continental fashion. A knock might

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