Page 813 - vanity-fair
P. 813

brilliancy of the latter had quite eclipsed her. All voices were
         for her. Stephens, Caradori, Ronzi de Begnis, people com-
         pared her to one or the other, and agreed with good reason,
         very likely, that had she been an actress none on the stage
         could have surpassed her. She had reached her culmination:
         her voice rose trilling and bright over the storm of applause,
         and soared as high and joyful as her triumph. There was
         a  ball  after  the  dramatic  entertainments,  and  everybody
         pressed round Becky as the great point of attraction of the
         evening. The Royal Personage declared with an oath that
         she was perfection, and engaged her again and again in con-
         versation. Little Becky’s soul swelled with pride and delight
         at these honours; she saw fortune, fame, fashion before her.
         Lord  Steyne  was  her  slave,  followed  her  everywhere,  and
         scarcely spoke to any one in the room beside, and paid her
         the most marked compliments and attention. She still ap-
         peared in her Marquise costume and danced a minuet with
         Monsieur de Truffigny, Monsieur Le Duc de la Jabotiere’s
         attache; and the Duke, who had all the traditions of the an-
         cient court, pronounced that Madame Crawley was worthy
         to have been a pupil of Vestris, or to have figured at Ver-
         sailles. Only a feeling of dignity, the gout, and the strongest
         sense of duty and personal sacrifice prevented his Excellen-
         cy from dancing with her himself, and he declared in public
         that a lady who could talk and dance like Mrs. Rawdon was
         fit to be ambassadress at any court in Europe. He was only
         consoled when he heard that she was half a Frenchwoman
         by birth. ‘None but a compatriot,’ his Excellency declared,
         ‘could have performed that majestic dance in such a way.’

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