Page 992 - vanity-fair
P. 992
‘Nichts, nichts, mein Florestan,’ she fairly lost herself and
covered her face with her handkerchief. Every woman in the
house was snivelling at the time, but I suppose it was be-
cause it was predestined that I was to write this particular
lady’s memoirs that I remarked her.
The next day they gave another piece of Beethoven, Die
Schlacht bei Vittoria. Malbrook is introduced at the begin-
ning of the performance, as indicative of the brisk advance
of the French army. Then come drums, trumpets, thunders
of artillery, and groans of the dying, and at last, in a grand
triumphal swell, ‘God Save the King’ is performed.
There may have been a score of Englishmen in the house,
but at the burst of that beloved and well-known music, ev-
ery one of them, we young fellows in the stalls, Sir John and
Lady Bullminster (who had taken a house at Pumpernickel
for the education of their nine children), the fat gentleman
with the mustachios, the long Major in white duck trousers,
and the lady with the little boy upon whom he was so sweet,
even Kirsch, the courier in the gallery, stood bolt upright in
their places and proclaimed themselves to be members of
the dear old British nation. As for Tapeworm, the Charge
d’Affaires, he rose up in his box and bowed and simpered,
as if he would represent the whole empire. Tapeworm was
nephew and heir of old Marshal Tiptoff, who has been intro-
duced in this story as General Tiptoff, just before Waterloo,
who was Colonel of the —th regiment in which Major Dob-
bin served, and who died in this year full of honours, and of
an aspic of plovers’ eggs; when the regiment was graciously
given by his Majesty to Colonel Sir Michael O’Dowd, K.C.B.
992 Vanity Fair