Page 238 - david-copperfield
P. 238
So he put on his hat, and went out with his cane under
his arm: very upright, and humming a tune when he was
clear of the counting-house.
Mr. Quinion then formally engaged me to be as useful
as I could in the warehouse of Murdstone and Grinby, at a
salary, I think, of six shillings a week. I am not clear wheth-
er it was six or seven. I am inclined to believe, from my
uncertainty on this head, that it was six at first and seven
afterwards. He paid me a week down (from his own pock-
et, I believe), and I gave Mealy sixpence out of it to get my
trunk carried to Windsor Terrace that night: it being too
heavy for my strength, small as it was. I paid sixpence more
for my dinner, which was a meat pie and a turn at a neigh-
bouring pump; and passed the hour which was allowed for
that meal, in walking about the streets.
At the appointed time in the evening, Mr. Micawber re-
appeared. I washed my hands and face, to do the greater
honour to his gentility, and we walked to our house, as I sup-
pose I must now call it, together; Mr. Micawber impressing
the name of streets, and the shapes of corner houses upon
me, as we went along, that I might find my way back, easily,
in the morning.
Arrived at this house in Windsor Terrace (which I no-
ticed was shabby like himself, but also, like himself, made
all the show it could), he presented me to Mrs. Micawber,
a thin and faded lady, not at all young, who was sitting in
the parlour (the first floor was altogether unfurnished, and
the blinds were kept down to delude the neighbours), with
a baby at her breast. This baby was one of twins; and I may