Page 94 - david-copperfield
P. 94

was awakened by hearing my own name spoken in a whis-
       per. I started up in bed, and putting out my arms in the
       dark, said:
         ‘Is that you, Peggotty?’
         There was no immediate answer, but presently I heard
       my name again, in a tone so very mysterious and awful, that
       I think I should have gone into a fit, if it had not occurred to
       me that it must have come through the keyhole.
          I groped my way to the door, and putting my own lips to
       the keyhole, whispered: ‘Is that you, Peggotty dear?’
         ‘Yes, my own precious Davy,’ she replied. ‘Be as soft as a
       mouse, or the Cat’ll hear us.’
          I understood this to mean Miss Murdstone, and was sen-
       sible of the urgency of the case; her room being close by.
         ‘How’s  mama,  dear  Peggotty?  Is  she  very  angry  with
          I could hear Peggotty crying softly on her side of the key-
       hole, as I was doing on mine, before she answered. ‘No. Not
         ‘What is going to be done with me, Peggotty dear? Do
       you know?’
         ‘School.  Near  London,’  was  Peggotty’s  answer.  I  was
       obliged to get her to repeat it, for she spoke it the first time
       quite down my throat, in consequence of my having forgot-
       ten to take my mouth away from the keyhole and put my
       ear there; and though her words tickled me a good deal, I
       didn’t hear them.
         ‘When, Peggotty?’
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