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This sector is seeing some early employment results with Worksite Meetings.
at least 2 MUA members employed with Coral t was reported that Branch Officials attended a meeting at
Expeditions. The publishers understand that realistically Hutchison worksite Thursday last week. Among EA
it will be near impossible to immediately establish a full issues discussed and Protected Action plans drawn up,
MUA crew on the various company’s vessels, but touting members raised concerns and sought answers over
that APT in particular, “hires Aussie crew” is nothing new rumours Paul Petersen was being removed from
in that sector, given that has been the status quo till Covid representing their worksite. The Acting Branch Secretary
restrictions on overseas crews, saw mandated new confirmed Paul was being moved and it is reported he
arrangements. Coupled with the newsletters and BMM said, “it is my prerogative’ to do so.” Members informed
meetings which provoked enquiries into the long forgotten the officials they were opposed to Paul’s removal.
or ignored sector.
An extract from a recent Qld Branch News from February,
If those crews were all MUA members, rather than APT confirms a recent rearrangement or ‘shuffle’ of
“Employing more than 30 Aussie Crew” …hiring 30 MUA responsibility, and shows Paul continued to be assigned
Crew would be cause for great celebration and Branch to those sites listed below, particularly Hutchies, and
News-worthy! The aim is to achieve increasing MUA Qube where members have spoken out against attempts
members aboard those vessels and encourage others to to replace him from his current official coverage
join and remind them of the benefits of Union responsibility.
membership. A job the Newsletter’s already stated should
be a combined Branch and National effort.
Revalidation concerns.
The issue on revalidations the Qld Branch during the May
BMM, outlined associated issues, offering what sounded
like limited opportunities along with AMSA prior
constraints be met before even seeking upgrades or full
renewals. It is in stark contrast with the W. A. Branch
It is reported that similar warnings were presented to P.
The April edition of the W.A. “Maritime Workers First” Gallagher at an AAT meeting, and it begs the question,
eBook describes a “Hardship Training” for members at why is it being done? Again, the concerns of R&F
‘no cost’. The article Shows “over 40 applicants” members are being ignored in yet another decided
successfully completed their training revalidation via the ‘shuffle’.
‘hardship fund’.. Seems Qld Members should seek similar
consideration from the W. A Branch than the slow, Not much credibility now remains in the officials’ appeal
secretive selection from Cannon Hill offerings. late last year seeking to distance themselves from the
style of Steve Cumberlidge and asking members they be
Delegate Training and Committee meetings. judged on their own merits. It is our understanding Paul is
While upgrade training in Delegate’s roles or HSR is due back in Office next Monday.
always welcome, the outlined dates, and the scheduled
Branch Committee again triggers issues concerning the For Paul Petersen to also hear of an impending trip to
current legitimacy of the Branch Committee structure and Gladstone next Tuesday, by an MUA member, and not
its election processes. from the Acting Branch Secretary, or to be included in any
prior discussion and decisions about it, again illustrates
Given the statement in the photo, the Stalinist method of decision and management style
it is surprising there was no similar to Cumberlidges’ autocratic manner and ‘appears
inclusive information in the Branch its business as usual.’ And yes, judgment awaits in 2023.
News on progress with the recent
task-Force discussions? Future of Branch Secretary S. Cumberlidge.?
Information provided during the
May BMM indicated that A previous Newsletter referred to enquiry’s during the
optimistically, it could take 18 May BMM about Steve Cumberlidge’s future and any
months to two years to arrive at news on Carol Conlon’s case. No honest enlightenment
some principled framework, before was given then or still on S. Cumberlidge’s future return if
any agreed plan is implemented. We understand at all. 12 months ago, June 3 , Carol was sacked by
Government machinery and decision making is slow but Steve Cumberlidge. She deserves our thoughts for the
another possible 2 years without tangible results is way such a sacking took place.
We hope the comments above don’t indicate as possible That and other associated issues triggered off protests
a similar but narrow outcome to previous attempts over a ‘final warning letter’ and a Petition. Retribution
nationally, which sought an Australian second registry. came in the manner of Police calls and charges by S.
The only requirements and commitment for Australian Cumberlidge upon a R&F member. Special meetings still
crewing then was to engage only an Australian Skipper not called, and no difference in operational style by all the
and Ch/engineer. Page.3. ‘acting’ participants since and none likely till 2023.