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Sea  Swift vessels  between  Cairns  and  Darwin.  This has   ship-loading  crew  (stevedores)  that  are  predominately
       been  well  received  and  momentum  for  change  is    indigenous.  Not  surprisingly  it’s  the  ship-loading  crew
       definitely underway.                                    that are being exploited the worst, ranging from working
                                                               in excess of 14 hours per day and being paid on a day rate
                                                               calculated on  a 12  hour  day, very  limited or  no  toilets
                                                               during their shift, a verity of conditions and entitlements
                                                               out of the Award and not being paid, and extending as far
                                                               as even their on-shore accommodation is noticeably of a
                                                               lower standard to the other employees.
                                                               On a positive note, TSA proceeded to try and get a dodgy
                                                               EA  approved  in  the  commission  and  after  the  MUA’s
                                                               intervention it was later retracted due to not passing the
                                                               BOOT. We are now in the process of engaging TSA into
                                                               doing a fair and just agreement with the Union on behalf
                                                               of our members, and once again, the days of out of site
                                                               out of mind is rapidly coming to an end. This site, also
                                                               located in the far northern area of Cape York will continue
                                                               to  be  included  in  the  Queensland  Branch’s  northern
       Unfortunately,  the  more  we  see  from  this  grubby   Australia campaign for industrial justice.
       employer  the  more  issues  come  to  light.  A  couple  of
       examples are, local stevedores in the Torres Strait that
                                                               Australian Reef Pilots by Dave Lyon and Michael O’Shane
       are  driving  their  personal  dinghies  from  one  island  to   Australian  Reef  Pilots  (ARP)  took  over  from  Torres
       another regardless of what the weather conditions are,
                                                               Industries as pilot service providers in the Torres Strait
       night  or  day  to  then  have  to  anchor  their  dinghy  in   over three and a half decades ago. And just recently in the
       crocodile inhabited waters and walk up slippery ramps.   last  two  years  ARP  have  been  taken  over  by  Auriga
       This was a major shock to all 3 of us when it was noticed   Shipping.
       but  appears  to  be  a  long  standing  condition  that  is
       accepted. Additionally, these employees are being paid as
       transportation  distribution  workers  as  opposed  to
       stevedores,  meaning  that  a  standard  hourly  rate  of
       approximately $26 per hour for a day shift and time and
       a half for any other hours worked in some of the poorest
       working conditions that have been seen for a number of
       years, that can only really be comparable to a 3  world
       Sea Swift needs a major safety culture change and needs
       to be dragged into the 21  century whether they like it or
       not. The days of out of sight out of mind are coming to an
       end. This is mainly due to the fact that the Queensland   Both ARP and Auriga have not given their workers a pay
       Branch are not allowing it to be out of sight anymore.   rise in over 5 years and current Enterprise Agreements as
       Our campaign will continue and pressure will be applied   they stand are perpetual. Auriga has indicated that they
       however  it’s  required  to  bring  these  workers  the   will  continue  with  their  status  quo  of  Work  Choices
       industrial justice that they should have been enjoying for   Agreements.
       the last decade at least.                               MUA  Queensland  Branch  Officials  made  engagement
                                                               with workers at ARP both on Thursday Island and Yorke
       TSA                                                     Island in their recent visit to Thursday Island. and Yorke
       As a great deal of our members would be aware already,   Island on the 14  and 17  of May respectively. During
       TSA  “Transhipment  Services  Australia”  have  been    those respective engagements workers brought to light
       operating  for  a  number  of  years  throughout  northern   their  treatment  from  ARP  and  now  Auriga  in  keeping
       Australia.  The  level  of  their  shonky  operations  is  once   workers on a casual basis, no set roster systems, stringent
       again not much better than 3  world condition. What is   medical  mining  tests,  low  paying  wages  in  remote
       the most noticeable is that their appears to be to distinct   communities,  no  career  pathways  to  advance  workers
       difference between the two sections of their staff; the   aspirations, and the use of outdated pilot launches, all the
       marine crew, which are predominately caucasian and the   while  knowing  these  workers  cost  of  living  in  these
           Authorised by Jason Miners, Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) Acting Queensland Branch Secretary
                                       73 Southgate Avenue, Cannon Hill QLD 4170
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