Page 6 - Newsletter#13 2021
P. 6
Obviously, concerns and opposition from BCT members He continued, “the construction division is using its
about Paul’s removal from coverage, as reported in number to dominate the amalgamated CFMMEU, that’s
newsletter #12, along with their solid support behind why we are seeking a pathway to independence.”
Paul in those members wish for Paul to remain their
representative, has had the desired result. Fremantle Port Workers to take a 24-hour strike
This result means there has been a definite ‘backflip’
by the acting branch secretary who when questioned The MUA has revealed that waterside workers at
recently over his then decision, said he would “not be Fremantle Ports will launch a 24-hour strike over what
changing his mind” on Paul’s removal from his 6-year they regard as heavy-handed actions of the Port
responsibility for BCT. Maybe the Branch Executive are Authority. The MUA says the stoppage will start on June
actually listening to the pent-up anger and views of Qld 25 and comes as a response to the financial hardship
Branch members for once. of workers standing down at the Kwinana Bulk Terminal
for five hours a day.
Legal replacement..?
AS a consequence, it will prevent vessels from being
It was reported in the Qld Branch News #8 that an tied up or let go, including at the Patrick and DP World
‘announcement was due shortly’ of a replacement for terminals. The stoppage is the first Ime lawful industrial
the Qld Branch Legal/industrial officer. Obviously all the action has extended beyond the Kwinana Bulk Terminal
“good work” Geoff Taylor purportedly contributed to in the inner harbour.
over the 10 months of his temporary administration
position, appears not to have had any bearing on him Jeff Cassar, W.A. assistant Branch secretary, noted that
obtaining that position despite his ‘legal assistance’ “Workers at the Kwinana terminal have been suffering
during that time. serious financial hardship due to Fremantle Ports’
decision to stand down all workers any time a workgroup
ACTU seeks to ‘cruel’ union demerger bid. undertakes lawful industrial action, essentially shutting
down the terminal for five hours a day”.
In Friday’s ‘The Australian’ it is reported the ACTU is
seeking to frustrate the mining union’s bid to split from
the CFMMEU by opposing its legal agreement for a
secret ballot of members to vote on exiting the Union. NZ ups the pressure for a government-run shipping
The ACTU intervention in the Fair Work Commission on line.
proceedings means the peak union body has effectively
sided with the CFMMEU’s construction division in and-governmentrun-shipping-line-should-be-on-the-
arguing against the mining division’s ballot application. table--shipping-
The mining division resolved in March to split from the expert?fbclid=IwAR04lFDU4bXexSQWrhhfjNiA_aseMb
union with about 300 delegates representing workers at j4SHSNZvVrG1MF6OaPXg1fZeQJVKY
mines, power stations and coal ports, voted
unanimously to apply to the commission to withdraw
from the CFMMEU. The question of New Zealand and what it should do
about its steadily worsening shipping issues tests Alan
Mining division general president Tony Maher hit out at Murphy’s libertarian philosophy. “I would traditionally be
the construction division’s tactics, saying the stand-off the last person to suggest state intervention and setting
mean the legal proceedings for a ballot application were up a state shipping line or anything like that, but what
“likely to be lengthy and complicated” In a surprise are some cargo owners doing? Well, some of them are
move, the ACTU intervened in the commission just going out and renting vessels.”
proceedings, arguing against the mining division’s
interpretation of the union’s demerger legislation, and Murphy is Irish and chief executive of international
backing the legal argument of the CFMEU. shipping consultancy Sea Intelligence. Exporters in New
Zealand keenly keep tabs on his company’s global
The mining division, in its response, said the ACTU’ freight measures and analysis. They are probably
submission was “nothing more than partisan polemic following his reports more keenly now that ships are
that provides no assistance to the commission starting to skip ports south of Auckland and leaving
undertaking the task of statutory construction before it”. exporters holding warehouses of un-exported stock.
Tony Maher said while the proceedings focused on
technicalities around terminology, definitions, and rules, This newsletter is published by Mike Barber (6224) and Jeff Langdon
(5266/1819) on behalf of the Queensland Branch R&F Collective.
“the key takeout is the determination of the construction Members wishing to receive Newsletter’s to their own email address,
division to stop mining and energy members from send details to You can also go direct to the
Newsletter FB
having a say in their future”. You will need to ‘apply’ We hope also, for contributions and feedback
in response to editions we publish. Thanks Comrades